Hello, My Name Is

Valerie Anne Hudson


Welcome to the world of words, where stories come alive and ideas take flight! I’m thrilled you’ve found your way to my little corner of the internet.

As a passionate wordsmith, I’ve had the privilege of wearing many hats—a bestselling historical fiction author, an accredited copywriter, and a trained developmental editor.
With a deep love for the written word and a keen eye for storytelling, I’m here to help you breathe life into your manuscripts, no matter the genre. From pulse-pounding thrillers to heart-wrenching romances, I’m ready to dive headfirst into your narrative and help you craft a tale that captivates from the very first page. Currently, I’m accepting orders through the Fiverr platform, but if you have any questions or just want to chat about your project, feel free to reach out to me here. Let’s embark on a journey of storytelling together and make your writing dreams a reality!


These services can be accessed on the Fiverr platform.

Developmental Editing

I aim to provide the empathetic and insightful developmental editing your book deserves.

As your developmental editor, I’ll dive deep into your story, analyzing plot, structure, characterization, pacing, and theme. I’ll provide in-line comments and a comprehensive editorial report, offering constructive feedback and suggestions to strengthen your narrative, all while maintaining your unique voice.

I’m here to be your cheerleader, your guide, and your partner in polishing your manuscript until it shines.

Press Release Writing & Distribution

Once your masterpiece has been published, you may wish to consider a press release to help you spread the word about your new book.
A well-crafted press release is a powerful tool to announce your book to the media, bloggers, and potential readers. It’s your chance to highlight the unique aspects of your story, share your journey as an author, and create excitement around your novel.

A press release can be used in various ways to maximize your book’s visibility. It can help you reach bookstores, libraries, and literary influencers who might be interested in featuring your book. By leveraging my press release services, you can ensure your novel gets the spotlight it deserves, helping you connect with readers and build your author brand.

My Books

Available on Amazon.

